Despite already having vertical applications as in the case of the railway sector, AUP has been designed so that it can be adapted to wide application area and can then be customized for each sector of use.
By analysing the operating data, AUP allows you to create, for example, reliable predictive maintenance models, near real time and real time monitoring, alerting services, counters, etc.
AUP have a modular structure that can be "composed" in different way to realize standard and/or customized solutions for our customer.
ABIRK can support customers to define specification of "tailor made" solution.
The main and historical application of the AUP platform is certainly in the railway sector and derives from over 15 years of experience and consultancy in this sector.
thanks to the research and development activities of the last few years and to the collaborations with the University of Cagliari and Sassari, we are working on a verticalization of AUP for the monitoring and maintenance of solar plants. ABIRK is also part of Virtual Energy Cluster
thanks to the research and development activities of the last few years and to the collaborations with the University of Cagliari and Sassari, we are working on a verticalization of AUP for the monitoring and maintenance of solar plants. ABIRK is also part of Virtual Energy Cluster
From the union between the ALTMED project (Assisted Living Treatment MEdical Device) and AUP Platform, was born our AUMS Module (Abirk Universal Medical Services) and all sub-modules.
We are working hard to apply AUMS in wide applications also through our MedTech subsidiary "Cuoralia Therapeutics" based in Switzerland.
thanks to the collaboration with our partners and reasearch institutes, we are able to create customized installations on all types of industrial plants in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, animal husbandry, agriculture and production plants sectors.